2025 COO Finance Hotline for Community Organizations

2025 Finance Hotline for nonprofit orgs

Have a question about financial planning, management, or reporting? Contact Coach Amy through the financial coaching hotline!
The financial coaching helpline is 1:1 support for organizations who want help on organization finance related questions. It can be a good introduction to 1:1 financial coaching or a quick way to talk through a financial question or challenge.Conversations are confidential!

Submit an email to: Amy Michael at amy@amythecoach.com with a subject line of "COO Finance Coaching Helpline." 

  1. Amy will respond with either a clarifying question or two, a quick answer through email, or a link to schedule a helpline call for an upcoming open helpline spot. 

  2. Coaching helpline phone/Zoom sessions are in 1-hour blocks. 

You will connect with an experienced, nonprofit financial professional, but not necessarily a CPA. If your question requires legal, tax or other expertise, we may refer you to other experts for support. 

Amy Michael (she/her)is an experienced nonprofit CFO, consultant, teacher and trained coach. She partners with leaders and organizations in building sustainable, healthy organizations that do great work and value the people who do it. As a white, cis-gendered woman in the finance and accounting field, she recognizes the space of privilege she operates from and how money and finance are a critical component in maintaining structures of oppression and white supremacy. She believes that when we are able to move in and out of these oppressive financial systems with increased confidence and knowledge of how the systems work, we begin to break down the exclusiveness of these systems. She approaches her work through a framework of anti-racism, equity and inclusion.