COO Funded Partners

Updated COO grantee partners by strategy area below.

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Jump to a section: Systems & Policy Change | Place-based and Cultural Communities Partnerships | Learning Community

Systems & Policy Change

Our institutions and policies shape who has access to wealth, health and prosperity.

Communities of Opportunity partners are working to advance policies that: 

  • Support community priorities

  • Integrate equity into policies at all levels: neighborhood, organizational, city, county and state, and

  • Expand representation of cultural communities by stepping into leadership roles

Systems and Policy Change awards are administered by the Seattle Foundation.

*King County Best Starts for Kids funds are restricted from use in political campaigns, state lobbying or any non-charitable or illegal purpose.

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Place-Based and Cultural Community Partnerships

In King County – one of the most prosperous metropolitan regions in the United States – race, income, and ZIP code are major predictors of a person’s health and life expectancy. Low-income communities and communities of color regularly experience institutional racism that leads to disparities in health and well-being. To reverse these inequities, these new partnerships are designed to support leadership and civic engagement among groups that have historically been marginalized, sharing in decision-making and power, and working together to improve outcomes for all communities in our region.

Learning Community

Capacity building and shared learning are central to the vision of the COO Learning Community and are necessary in disrupting systemic racism and building greater equity in King County. COO provides opportunities for people to learn from one another, develop tools, test models together, build skills, and strengthen relationships and networks.

Through sharing experiences and lessons, COO aims to uplift local endeavors, bring communities and leaders of change together, and build upon successes for long-term change. These aims are supported by activities under four main Learning Community strategy areas: Active Learning, Critical Connections, Capacity Building & Equity Innovations.

The outcomes of these activities create skills, tools, infrastructure and relationships needed to move King County closer to our equity goals.