HEAL Grant
Na’ah Illahee Fund is pleased to announce the HEAL (Healthy Environment for All) Grant. This grant supports Indigenous-led initiatives in Washington State that advance environmental justice, community health, cultural resilience, and civic engagement. It aims to empower Indigenous communities to address ecological disparities and strengthen the well-being of our lands and people.
The HEAL (Healthy Environment for All) Act was passed in 2021 to reduce environmental disparities and improve the health of all people in Washington state.
It is the first statewide law to create a coordinated and collaborative approach to environmental justice, making it a priority and part of the mission of key state agencies.
Apply for a HEAL Grant, and join a network of frontline leaders who are reimagining a healthy environment for all.
Apply by: April 1, 5 p.m. More Information: Healthy Environments for All (HEAL) Grant | Na'ah Illahee Fund