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Mutual Aid 101: Mutual Aid in Action

Mutual Aid 101: Mutual Aid in Action

Part of the Mutual Aid 101 collection

Join Shareable for the final session in a four-week mutual aid learning series: mutual aid in action.

Date and time

Wednesday, March 12 · 4 - 5:30pm PDT



Are you interested in building a network of care and resistance in your local community? Join Shareable for a four-week mutual aid learning series! Open to all, but designed for those just getting started to learn from seasoned mutual aid organizers and activists.

At this uncertain moment in US history, it is clearer than ever that communities must rely on each other to survive a second Trump term. Mutual aid is a tool to build community and meet basic needs while developing a shared political understanding. This learning and action webinar series will draw on the experience of mutual aid organizers and activists across the US to introduce the concept to new potential organizers ready to build a network of care and resistance in their local communities.

In the fourth session, you'll hear several 5-minute talks from experienced mutual aid organizers on the ground then go into breakout rooms focused on specific types of mutual aid projects. Topics will include disaster relief, immigration, cash/emergency needs, reproductive justice, and gender justice/trans support.

Closed captioning and Spanish interpretation will be available for parts of this session.

Learn more and register here: